Articles on: Trimming & B-Rolls

How to add zooms to your video?

You can add a Zoom effect by going into EDIT then to the B-rolls section and click on the element that looks like a big plus sign.

That will open a little tab that lets you add the zoom in effects to your B-roll, Transitions or Images/GIFS.

The main difference is if you are a B-roll and choose the zoom effects they will only apply for the time segment of the clip that has the B-roll in it and if you choose a Transition and add a zoom effect it will only apply to the transition in the video for the time segment of the clip.

You can choose different zoom effects like “Zoom Out, Zoom Out 2, Zoom Slow, Zoom Fast”

To apply them properly after choosing the effects make sure to click apply at the bottom of the tab.

Updated on: 07/08/2024

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